Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ink : How Ink Become an Ink. Eh?

.: I was just finished my search on why Keanu Reeve is so sad, and suddenly I feel the urge not to write a post about that meme now. I wonder why? :-(

Wasted my time searching for it, hurmmmmm... (now I look like sad Keanu Reeve, sitting griefly in front of my monitor..) :-P

Well, how about embracing ourselves to fall in love our work then? Heehee~ :-D

Here is one YouTube video that I had to wait patiently for it to finish loading... And now I had that sad Keanu image in my head again, aaaargh!! X-O

How ink is made.

It is a very educating how to video, a video by The Printing Ink Company. A Canadian company who an experts in making eco-friendly printing ink. Learn the process, learn the spirit, copy their passion~
A Chief Ink Maker shows how colour and ink is created from the raw ingredients--powder, varnish, and passion. Everything designers and printers need to know about the process, the challenges and joy of ink making.
PrintingInkCompany, June 17, 2010.
This should open your overall views about ink. (via Buzzfeed.)   ;-) Heehee~

m2mdoh: "In support of comforting each other comfortably~~"
P/s: Where is that sad Keanu? Here in FilmDrunk, Uproxx. X-D
P/p/s: I wonder how did they maintain their machines so sparklingly clean? Can we adapt that in our factory?

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