Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mystery Solved: The Real Reason Why UNESCO Never Too Fonds of Angry Birds...

.: Why? What happened? :-?

UNESCO which stands for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is a special agent which promotes a better and peaceful world through education, sciences, culture, communication and information. In English that means they love to share, maintains and spread harmony and happiness to all over the world. But with Angry Birds going berserk all over the world, UNESCO must stop them before that *secret-which-you-should-never-tell-anyone* happens again.

What kind of secret is that? See it yourself.

Now I know how level 3 Stonehenge is reduced to level 1 rubbles...

But why UNESCO wants to preserve this Stonehenge?

Ancient Mysteries - Stonehenge
Because it appears in Diablo II? :-P

I taught Angry Birds will appear in 2:20... Nah, never mind. This is a pun mystery anyway, lol~

m2mdoh: "In support of sharing, maintaining and spreading harmony and happiness to all over the world~~"

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