Wednesday, July 25, 2018

DotA The International TI8 Compendium Predictions by that one scrub!

.: Just to update, I always failed at predicting - particularly DotA2 Compendium predictions. Data is out there, but my inexperience with data sampling and arithmetic stuff makes me looking for other ways to participate in this annual event, the TI8.

Here comes the scrub, aka SavageSkillet : The guys who excels at TI7 compendium predictions last year in reddit. Not to say he's a pro in leaking predictions, but like Apple or Samsung leakers, this scrub SavageSkillet don't have inside guys to feed him info. So, if you have similar inexperience mathematical stuffs like me you might want to follow his predictions too.

Here it goes,

2018 DotA2 TI8 Compendium Hero Predictions
2018 DotA2 TI8 Compendium Tournament Predictions
While I do agree with SavageSkillet arguments and data mining, the one I love is Hero with the most GPM avg : which I absolutely picks Alc as my #1 predictions. This is the easiest prediction ever. Lol~

For more scrub detailed data explanation, go visit his awesome predictions explanation in - Esportsheaven : TI8 Compendium Predictions, by a scrub (Part One).

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with good boi scrub SavageSkillet but I do earned Adsense earnings if this post is eligible for it.

m2mdoh: "Can I earn more Battle Pass levels with this guided 2018 predictions? Only time will tell~"

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