Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Kung Fury: Hoff vs Sgt Rex Colt vs Dillon Markey?

.: Was skimming Youtube popular music playlist until I stumbled...

David Hasselhoff - True Survivor (from Kung Fury) 

That 180 degrees side split, that lambo... 

I dunno what kind of epicness watching Hasselhoff doing his 80's music video but that Kung Fury is just...

KUNG FURY Official Trailer [HD]

Permit-ticcally denied~~ Hahaha X-D

I thought it will be worldwide movie like Avengers - Ultron movie, but sadly it was a 30 minutes free-to-download Kickstarter movie. And it will be 2007-ly real feature movie if you help to achieve their 2015 goal, which is to join making this Kung Fury $ 1,000,000 goal become a reality !

So who's Sargeant Rex Colt and Dillon Markey???

Sgt Rex Power Colt is a robo-ball from Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon.

See the similarities? Kung Fury and Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon?

"To save the world!" Heehee X-D

So the guy that makes Nintendo Power Glove in Kung Fury becomes a reality is none other than :

Playing with Power [OFFICIAL]

What trickery is this?  Why 1985 babies has no recollection of memory seeing this powerly glove????

I love the Power Glove. It's so bad...
To wrap up everything in this post,

"I do wished that I can hack too much time..."

That is all. Thank you.

m2mdoh: "In support of riding LaserUnicorns with BFF in movie trailers..."

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