Tuesday, October 1, 2013

One Panman : 'ONE' Punch Man (Over 9000 Manga)

.: Hi~~ X-D

I just read the newest chapter of redrawn Onepunch-Man by Murata Yusuke - and like, haha, sob sob sobbing myself... (teary a little, haha). This manga was so awesome I already finish reading the original ONE Panman about two month before and at the same time still waiting helplessly for the redrawn version because both are really good! Hahaha X-D

You need to read it yourself to really like it. Trust me, it worth it ;-)

Not to forget that I would like to mention that I think this is the first time I read an animated manga. (What???) Yea, I admit I this is my first time reading an animated manga. People might think that it's not an animated manga, it might be a '.gif' that I read. No, I promise it's not a .gif. It is an animated manga!


Like this *spoiler Chapter 88* here, this is the first time I see a mangaka draw his manga with this approach just to show us how supaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-intense-over-9000 the fight scene with that guy is.

This image belongs to ONE,
with all due respect.

Okay then. There's another thing I would like to add. Apart from reading the manga, I also love to read some of the newest comments about it. Sometimes the drama in the manga becomes more intensified after you read the readers comment. Sometimes you just can't wait for the next chapter together gether. Sometimes you just cannot stand why and where on earth is Saitama is. (It's somewhere in Japan btw). Sometimes you do share the 'ForTheWin'-nism of it. I say you, you can feel how alike your onepanman-nism with other readers. Oh, Emm, Gee. This manga is... really something. Really.

This. Is. A. Gif. Thank you.

So, after scouring some texts and links, this is what I love to share with you~

And this is another sharing that motivates me to actually write this blog post -

OnePunch-Man manga chapter 1-35 drawn Over-9000 style!

(Only if you done reading all 35 Murata chapters though)

【ワンパンマン】 リアル・ヒーロー 【MAD】

Hahaa. Ohhhhhhsome-ness !
The animations. The movements. The background music.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsome-ness !

To end all of this awesomenessssssstesttttt already, here is a.. (OMG again) live stream of Murata sensei drawing OnePunch-Man !!!!! (Thank you oh Thank you very much MrMaori of Reddit).

m2mdoh : "In support of manga manhwa in new media~~ Heehee"

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